The Elevator (Parsons)

"The Elevator" is made in collaboration with Seo Young Choi, 2011 parsons MFA DT. This was a student project that happened long ago, but it was also a project that showed a lot about who I am as a designer early on. It is always always fun to see where you began and that my passion for creativity, functionality, empathy, and collaborations stays the same.
Motion/visual designer
Projection mapping


Taking the elevator at Parsons was not something to be excited about. Here are the reasons. One, the waiting time was never predictable. sometime it could be as short as seconds, sometimes it could be as long as 1  hour. Additionally, the line could get super long. In summer or winter when the weather got unbearable, waiting for the elevator with 30 more students cramming in the lobby could be mentally draining. There for Seo and I took that as an inspiration and made a mission to make it better.

It turned out the elevator system couldn’t be fixed in a short time to help the waiting better. Therefore, we started thinking about how to make waiting more enjoyable. Both Seo and I were international students, the experience of elevator taking you to another place reminded us about our travel experiences. Therefore we took the idea of international travel and combined it with NYC iconic transportation; the subway, to take students on a ride when they wait for the elevator. The idea is to distract students from the existing waiting and make that mentally shorter than it actually is.

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There are more projects to see! Enjoy!